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Graveney Primary School

‘Learning and Achieving Together’

Remote Learning

Remote Learning will be provided for pupils who are unable to attend school in person when appropriate.


This will only take place using Microsoft Teams.  All our learners will be provided with access to their class team.  


Teachers will all be providing daily lessons for pupils to complete. Each day there will be a Literacy, Maths and at least one other subject for your child to complete.  Staff will be checking daily that pupils are accessing the learning provided.  As a school we will endeavour to continue to provide the full broad and balanced curriculum for all our learners.


All learning should be accessed through Microsoft Teams.  Staff will set Assignments for the pupils each day.  Posts can also be used to chat to friends in class or ask for help.  Posts will be monitored by staff throughout the day, however please remember that staff may also be teaching pupils in school and will not always be able to respond immediately.


Staff will be able to feedback on all work submitted giving feedback and completing assessments our pupils learning.

Teams is available on various devices, if you require support with devices to enable your child to be able to access their learning, please contact the school.  We do have some which can be loaned for you to use at home – you will be expected to sign our user agreement and contract for all devices borrowed.


If for any reason your child has difficulty engaging in the remote learning, please let the me know as soon as possible to discuss how the school can support the learning in these circumstances. 


Staff will be checking that ALL pupils are accessing the remote learning daily.  Pupils are expected to have access to the following amounts of remote learning.

KS1 – 3 hours (less for younger children)

KS2 – 4 hours


As a school we have high expectations, however please remember that not all pupils will be able to complete all the learning set by the teacher every day.  We ask that all pupils attempt each task set and try their hardest to complete as much as possible in the time available.  Remember that the time is not all Teacher led - it also includes their other learning including discussions and all the fun tasks they can help with at home.  Pupils should also be accessing their independent learning on My Maths, TT Rockstars and Bug Club. 


Lessons will use a variety of resources, some of these may be clips from your teacher (short videos), some will be from Oaks National Academy or YouTube.  We will try to limit the need to print documents at home for the learning as not all families have access to a printer.


As a school we have decided to not broadcast live lessons.  Doing this would place many of our families at a disadvantage as they are sharing devices and many parents are also working at home making this very difficult for them to access at set times daily.  Teachers will be available to answer your questions throughout the day using Posts in your class team.


Our Acceptable Use of Technology Policy is available in the Policy section of this website.


Alison Blackwell - Headteacher
