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Graveney Primary School

‘Learning and Achieving Together’



At Graveney Primary School, our curriculum is designed with the intent that each child becomes an ambitious, encouraging and resilient young person with a passion for learning and achieving. Through the teaching and learning of Computing, we encourage children to be inquisitive throughout their time at school and beyond. At our school we appreciate that technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal role in our children's lives. We want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly, and safely. We want our children to become innovators, not merely consumers, and we aim to include a broad curriculum (which includes: computer science; information technology; and digital literacy).

We intend to build a computing curriculum that prepares pupils to live safely in an increasingly digital British society where pupils can evaluate and apply their computing knowledge, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

We also aim to ensure our computing curriculum is cross- curricular, as much as possible, to allow for flexibility in the coverage but also so that children can see that computing can be used in other subjects (and that the skills they are learning are highly transferrable). This will result in our children understanding and appreciating that computing plays a large role in the 'real' (working) world and that they are well prepared for this when they are older.



  • Computing is used to support learning across variety of subjects- (e.g. the use of laptops and ipads for research in the foundation subjects and for the use of software to help learning in maths)
  • Teaching and learning facilitates progression across all key stages within the strands of digital literacy, information technology and computer science. Children will have the opportunity to explore and respond to key issues such as digital communication, cyber-bullying, online safety, security, plagiarism, and social media.
  • At Graveney Primary we use the Barefoot Computing resource via our Cornerstones Curriculum to ensure good coverage of NC and assist teachers with subject knowledge and skills.
  • The importance of online safety is taught explicitly through the computing curriculum and other curriculum areas including PSHE. This reinforced through information poster throughout the school.
  • Learning of computing skills/knowledge are taught flexibly (i.e computing skills may be taught in a Science based unit of work).
  • We ensure that hardware and software are of an appropriate standard to support the computing curriculum.



  • Children will be confident users of technology, able to use it to accomplish a wide variety of goals, both at home and in school.
  • Children’s work is saved on the newly pupil shared drive in order to evidence the progression children are making during their time at Graveney Primary School Primary School.
  • Children will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the implications of technology and digital systems. This is important in a society where technologies and trends are rapidly evolving.
  • Children will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems.

