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Graveney Primary School

‘Learning and Achieving Together’

Celebrating the Arts

Graveney Coronation Art Competition 2023 - All the children took part in an art competition to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Here is a sample of some of the children's artwork.

And the winners are ...

Thursday 3rd March was World Book Day. This year we had a number of reading-related activities taking place across the school. In this section you can see how we decorated our classroom doors as if they were book covers. Ladybirds' door is for 'What the Ladybird Heard'. Bumble Bees used 'I Need a New Bum'. Dragonflies went off along the yellow brick road to see 'The Wizard of Oz', while Scorpions were climbing 'The Magic Far Away Tree'. Mrs Blackwell became entangled in 'Charlotte's Web' while Mrs Baker turned the library into Hogwarts.

The adults in the school shared their favourite stories with us and we got to choose which one we heard. Some of us were in the gazebo, some in a den, while some of us even got to go to the staff room.

At the end of the day, our families were able to see some of the things we had learnt through the day.

The Abbey School Art Competition 2021


Next week is Arts Week in school and as part of this we are taking part in The Abbey School Art Competition.  The theme for the competition this year is Andy Goldsworthy so we need the children to collect and bring into school stones, pebbles, leaves, twigs, etc for Monday 21st June please so that we can create are pieces of art.  The PowerPoint from The Abbey School is attached too so you can see what we will be doing.



The Abbey School Art Competition 2021




What a wonderful way to celebrate the Art's by having a circus theatre company visit us in school.

Many thanks  to an Eastling based circus theatre company who thanks to the funding from the Arts Council England  came to Graveney and performed their show The Crow House.  


We all had an amazing afternoon in the beautiful sunshine (socially distanced in our bubbles).


It was great to see the whole school together again for our first socially distanced assembly.

Thank you Circo Rum Ba Ba for entertaining us, it was brilliant.


Check our their website and also you tube -


The Crow House
