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Graveney Primary School

‘Learning and Achieving Together’


Hello and a very warm welcome to the Ladybirds class page.  Here we will display important information regarding what we are learning in class, through our termly WOW Charts, as well as some lovely pictures to show our learning.  Please also check the Tapestry App where we upload key information as well as your child's individual learning journey.   Please do contact us if you have any questions at or just pop in and see us! 

Ladybird Class Timetable 2022-23

Ladybird Parent Welcome Presentation

Term 6 - Weekly Breakdown Big Wide World with Splash

Term 5 - Weekly Breakdown Sunshine and Sunflowers with Shadows and Reflections

Term 5 - Sunshine and Sunflowers with Shadows and Reflections

Some of our learning from Term 4 - Dangerous Dinosaurs with Puddles and Rainbows

Term 4 - Dangerous Dinosaurs with Puddles and Rainbows Wow Chart

Termly Plans - Weekly breakdown - Term 4

Some of our learning from Term 3 - Winter Wonderland and Starry Night

Term 3 Winter Wonderland and Starry Night Term 3 - Wow Chart

Termly Planning - Weekly Overview Term 3

Hey Ewe!

Some of our learning from Term 2 - Once Upon A Time with Sparkle and Shine

Term 2 Wow Chart - Once Upon A Time with Sparkle and Shine

Some of our learning from Term 1 - Me and My Community

Term 1 Wow Chart - Me and My Community
