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School Uniforms

Our uniform is listed below.

School Uniform

  • KS1 & 2 - White polo shirt, burgundy school sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Black shoes or Black Trainers
  • White or grey socks
  • Burgundy/dark red school dresses (summer wear)
  • Grey or black shorts (summer wear)
  • Burgundy fleece (for outdoor wear only)

PE Kit

  • White T-shirt
  • Burgundy or black shorts
  • Burgundy or black jogging pants (for sports outside)
  • Plimsolls (for indoor sports)
  • Trainers (for outdoor sports)


Pupils who join the football club or team will also require football boots with plastic studs, shin pads and long football socks.

School uniform should be worn on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The PE Kit should be worn on a Monday and Wednesday. 

A supply of second-hand uniforms is kept in school. Please feel free to come and collect items as your child is growing. This is in our uniform recycling cupboard, so help us by keeping it tidy!

For further details on our school uniform, please read our School Uniform Policy, which is available under Policies on this website.