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Attendance for the week


Every child has the right to the best education and deserves to be happy and successful in school. We always seek to improve and work together to achieve more, especially valuing our partnership with parents. We encourage high standards and know every child can be successful.

It is our duty to consistently strive to achieve a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to pupils and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance.

Our average attendance last year was 93.94%. This is below the national average for primary schools of 94.4%.  Our aim is to be in the top 10% of schools - support us and help us to achieve our target of 96%.

Attendance Matters: Please remember that lateness and days off add up to lost learning

Many congratulations to the Bumblebees this week, this week's winners for our attendance shield.  This week we have had a fantastic start to the term with the Scorpions, Bumblebees and Ladybirds all achieving over 96% - well done you have made Mrs Blackwell very happy :) 

Our whole school average this week was 96.32%, a real improvement.  Please remember that punctuality also helps our attendance. All pupils should arrive at school before 8.45am every day.   We have had an increase in the number of pupils arriving at school late this week. 

Our whole school average attendance so far this year is 94.96%. Help us keep improving this. We want to aim for our target of 96%...

Class attendance so far this year:

  • Scorpions - 94.29%
  • Dragonflies - 94.89%
  • Bumblebees - 94.39%
  • Ladybirds - 97.34% - Congratulations Ladybirds are the attendance stars so far this year 

Every Pupil - Every Day - together we can make a difference.