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Graveney Primary School

‘Learning and Achieving Together’

Special Educational Needs

SEN Report 2023-24


1. How does the school assess the progress of pupils and what would they do if my child was falling behind?

Pupil progress is regularly assessed by the teachers through observation, marking, conferencing and assessments. Assessment by testing occurs at the end of the academic year. Pupil progress meetings are held 6 times a year between the Class Teacher and the Headteacher, where every child’s progress and attainment is reviewed. Pupils who are identified as not making sufficient progress will have an intervention programme created; tailored to meet their specific needs.

 2. How accessible is the school environment?

The school is easily accessible for children with a disability. The classrooms and school hall have wide doors and ramps to allow for wheelchair access from the playground. There is a disabled toilet. Our office area has limited accessibility for wheelchair users.

 3. Where can I find information about the school approach to pupils with SEN?

The school’s approach to pupils with SEN is documented in the school’s SEN&D Policy. Further information can be found from the school’s latest Ofsted report.

4. Who is the person responsible for children with SEN?

Every teacher has the responsibility for children with SEN in their class. The SENCO (Tracey Goodsell) is the person responsible in ensuring this support meets the needs of the children and provides support and advice to teachers and parents where required.

 5. How do I contact the person responsible for SEN or arrange to meet them?

The SENCO can be contacted by telephone, 01795 532005 or by email, Alternatively, visit the school and leave a message at the school office.


6. What training or specialist expertise does your staff have around SEN?

School staff have been trained to provide a variety of specialist support. Where a training need is identified and the expertise not present, the school is committed to ensuring that training gap is promptly addressed.

  7. What support can the school provide for children with SEN?

The school will provide a variety of support for children with SEN. This may include 1 to 1 intervention and group work. The school will also access external agencies when appropriate to enhance provision.

 8. What further external support can the school access and when would this happen?

The school has access to several external agencies that can provide additional support. Where a need has been identified by the parents and/or by the school, the SENCO will seek advice and support from the appropriate agency in order to meet the needs of the child.

 9. Who can I contact to provide additional advice and support for my family?

Additional advice may be obtained from the school’s SENCO. Also, the Kent SEN information is linked in the final section of this document.

 10. How are parents/carers and children with SEN supported to share their views and concerns and work alongside the school?

The school has a variety of ways to allow parents/carers to share their views and concerns. Teachers endeavour to be available at the end of the school day, if parents/carers wish to discuss their child, or parents can make an appointment to meet with either Class Teacher or the SENCO through the school office. Alternately, a home-school contact book is also provided. In addition, the school offers parent consultations two times a year.

 11. If I am not happy with the provision at the school, how can I share my concerns or make a complaint?

If you are not happy with the SEN provision at the school, please contact the class teacher or SENCO or the Headteacher, to share your concerns.

If you wish to make a complaint about the school, please direct your grievance to the school’s chair of governors. A complaint form is available from the school office or in our Complaints Policy available on the school website.

 12. Where can I find information about the Local Authority’s Local Offer for children with SEN and their family?

Information about the Local Authority’s Local Offer can be found on the Kent County Council website. A link is provided below:

SEND Policy & Information Report
